Expert Squarespace Website Redesign Services — Using My Head – Squarespace Expert, Designer and Trainer

Let’s transform your Squarespace website

Website redesign, overhaul or tweaks for businesses that want to shine online


If you've outgrown your website, are embarrassed by it, or you just want a professional designer to give it some TLC, you're in the right place.


Work with an experienced pro to take your website to the next level.

We are getting regular enquiries on our website now as a direct result of the work that Miko has done
— Deanna, Platter & Slate

My website redesign services are for clients who have reached their limits with their current website, and are ready to step up their online game.

With over 200 Squarespace websites under my belt, chances are whatever you’re aiming to do, I’ve done it before. When you work with me, you can take advantage of my wide set of examples and previous work for ideas and inspiration.

Plus, I’m more than just a designer; you can tap into my 20+ years’ experience in digital communication and user experience, to ensure your website not only looks great, but delivers results.

For any website change, I can do it for you, show you how to do it, or a combination of both. I offer a range of redesign services to suit all scales of project, from minor tweaks to major overhauls.


Which project approach is right for you?


Site Audit & Fix

I’ll look over your website & make note of what needs fixing (along with your ideas). Then, we’ll work out the best way to implement changes.

This option is best if any of these sounds like you:

  • You are fairly happy with the website overall, but you’d like professional advice on how it can be improved.

  • You know a couple of things you need to fix, but you’re worried there are more problems.

  • You’d like to get a priced up to-do list so you can prioritise and redo your website in phases.

The price includes the audit and recommendations. Prices for implementing the changes vary depending on what needs doing. Want a fixed price? You can combine the Site Audit with Expert for a Day.

Prices from £400*

Expert for a Day

Want to collaborate? Or you have a limited budget? Book me for a day and we’ll blitz through your checklist in one concentrated burst.

This option is best if any of these sounds like you:

  • You have a list of changes, but don’t have the time and/or skills to implement them yourself.

  • You have a set budget or limited timeframe, and you need to get as much done as possible within that.

  • You have the ability to set aside a full day from your calendar to dedicate to working collaboratively on your website.

You can also choose to combine the Site Audit service with the Expert for a Day. Book the Audit to give us our checklist, and I’ll use the Expert for a Day to implement the changes in priority order.

Expert for a Day Price: £1000*


We can do a full redesign & rebuild of your existing website, from the ground up.

This option is best if any of these sounds like you:

  • Your website has grown organically over time, and now is the time to step back to really plan and execute things properly.

  • Your website isn’t representing your brand or business the way you’d like, so you want to strip it right back and start over.

  • You built the website yourself, and although the content is mostly fine, you don’t think there’s much worth salvaging design-wise. You’d rather make a fresh start.

This type of project is run the same way as building a new website. The button will take you to the New Website page for details on my design & build options.

Prices from £2500*

*VAT will be added for UK clients.

Need help choosing?

I’ve put together a list of Pros & Cons for each project approach.


A few examples of Squarespace redesign projects


 What my clients say


Let’s talk.

Book a free briefing call if you’d like to talk through your project ambitions or find out more about me and the way I work.