Giving some 'zing' to a Squarespace website

Where There's Smoke
Where There's Smoke

My lovely and rather clever client Helen from Where There's Smoke contracted me to help her showcase the work that they do in a fun, engaging way on their website. Rather than just telling in words what they do, how they do it, why and for whom, we worked up a tabbed slideshow which uses toys and other objects to not only illustrate these concepts, but also reflect what Where There's Smoke is about: thinking creatively and coming at problems from a different angle. My job was not only to design and build the website, but also to help figure out how to structure the site and to create all of the slides - as well as feeding back whenever certain bits of text content might be tweaked or improved in order to make things really simple for people to understand. This is my favourite kind of project: something I can get involved with at many different levels, calling upon my photography and artworking skills, as well as my web brains. It's nice to get to flex all those muscles in one go :-)

I used a handy jQuery slideshow rather than Flash, so it's smartphone friendly and can be easily updated in future. jQuery is so cool, it's my new favourite thing. I love how such a small, lightweight little bit of code can produce pretty animation. It makes both my tech geek and my design geek happy.

The site is built on Squarespace once again, and you can check it out here.

If you need to replace your Flash website with something more mobile-friendly and easier to update, or if you like the look of Squarespace, why not drop me a line.