Back in the saddle again


Well, it's been a while. A long while, in fact. I took a long-term contract with a client and I have spent the last 2 years giving my blood, sweat & tears to a major project for their business. It's been a really hectic project. I mean reallyhectic. In fact, I found myself singing SNAP! The Power many, many times over the life of the project (it's gettin', it's gettin, it's gettin' kinda hectic...). The project is still not live yet, but I am looking forward to it happening any day now. It will be great to get the closure of seeing the fruits of our labour online. So now I am back to my usual freelancing consulting life, and enjoying the break from the chaos and commuting (the client is based out of town - oh, the trains.). My first major project for the year is a bit of an unexpected surprise. I am writing a book. I'll share more info as and when it becomes more concrete, but it's going to be a book about building websites for businesses using one of the new breed of web app builders now available. Exciting times!

For now, a little recap of some of the other things I did over the last year or so, but was too busy with the big project to post about:

Squarespace Site Revamp

I did a website refresh for my lovely client Emilia at ISCAD. We updated the site templates to tie in with her new brand and business model. We smartened up the colours to make the site look clean and allow the content to stand out. And we added striking images in the top black header to make the pages really pop. Very theatrical, to tie in with the business. Tweaks & Training

I helped the marvelous marketeer Charlotte from Storyboard Marketing get her site. I helped her sort through some of the little quirks that Wordpress likes to throw at you, and tidied up a few things to get the site ready for launch. I also made some training videos so she could safely take the reins.

Squarespace 5 to 6 Migration Customisation

I assisted the amazing photographer Phil Bourne in transferring his Squarespace 5 websites to Squarespace 6, doing a little custom coding to make the image galleries tie in with his brand. Do have a look around, and if you need any photos, please tell him Miko sent you :-)

- and lots of other minor tweaks for my rather awesome clients.

In between the book-writing, I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into a few other projects, especially using Wordpress and Squarespace, so watch this space because I'm back and ready to write my little cotton socks off - here, and in the book.