Non-profit — Blog — Using My Head – Squarespace Expert, Designer and Trainer
2 Kickass Projects Giving Women & Girls a Leg Up
Non-profit, SquarespaceMiko Coffey#iwd2016, #pledgeforparity, awamu, awamu together, female genital mutilation, fgm, girls rights, hubforchange, international womens day, IWD, squarespace, uganda, youthforchange
Charities: claim up to $120,000 free Google advertising per year
WordPress training in London: Beginner / Advanced – by yours truly
Blogging, Non-profit, Online tools, Speaking / Conferences, Training / Workshops, WordPressMiko Coffeysocial media exchange, sounddelivery, training, WordPress, wordpress training london, wordpress workshop
Royal Society microsite for Diamond Light Source
Helping Hackney’s youth stay well online
Digital Storytelling – using audio online
Websites that defy the Reality Triangle: Good, Fast AND Cheap
A sweet new site for charity