The future? — Blog — Using My Head – Squarespace Expert, Designer and Trainer
Web 3.0 in plain English (or how I became famous without knowing it)
Us Now: how the social web is creating social change
Social Networking, Social Web, The future?, Things that make you g..., Things that make you g...Miko CoffeyNESTA, participation, social change, social good, social media, Social Web, transparency, usnow
Is the new 'widgetised' online culture set to collapse?
All things 2-0, The future?, Things that make you g..., Things that make you g...Miko Coffeyad:tech, chinwag, mashup, micro media, micromedia, widgetised, widgetized, widgets
Anonymity, identity & the future according to gurus
Ethics in a digital world, The future?, Virtual worldsMiko Coffeychinwag, chinwag live, facebook, guy phillipson, nikki barton, privacy, second life, secondlife, Virtual worlds
Notes from the Future of Web Apps conference
My definition of the semantic web
And the UK follows suit
The end of net radio as we know it
The potential perils of pay-per-use web access